ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coldstream Mill

Okay kiddo, so do you know what a mill is? It’s like a big machine that helps people make things.

Well, Coldstream Mill is a special kind of mill that is located in a place called Coldstream in Canada. It’s used to make paper!

Now paper is made from trees, and the people who run the mill use machines to turn the trees into pulp. Pulp is like a mushy and pulpy substance that comes from grinding up the trees. They add chemicals to the pulp to make it strong and smooth.

Then they use more machines called paper machines to turn the pulp into sheets of paper. The paper goes through a lot of different processes to become shiny and smooth and ready for people to use.

The people who work at Coldstream Mill use their machines really carefully to make sure everything is perfect. They make lots of different kinds of paper, like thick paper for cards, and thin paper for books.

So that’s what Coldstream Mill is all about – it’s a special machine that makes paper by turning trees into pulp and then turning that pulp into sheets of paper. Cool, huh?