ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Combined heat and power

Combined Heat and Power, or CHP for short, is a special way to create electricity and heat for buildings like schools, factories, and homes.

Imagine you have a toy that takes batteries to work, and you also want to keep it warm by putting it in a box. Normally, you would need to buy batteries to power it and a heater to keep it warm. But with CHP, you could use one machine that does both things!

Just like that toy, buildings need both electricity to power lights, computers, and other things, and heat to keep the inside warm and comfortable.

With CHP, a single machine uses a fuel like natural gas, biomass or biogas, to make both electricity and heat. The machine has an engine that runs on the fuel and produces electricity. The heat produced as a by-product is captured and used to warm up the building instead of being wasted in the air.

This means that with CHP, you get two things at once, saving money, energy, and helping the environment. It’s like buying a toy that makes music and lights up at the same time, for the same price!