ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communist society

Hey kiddo, do you know what communism is? No? Well, it's a type of society where everyone works together and shares everything equally.

Imagine you and your friends have a giant cookie. In a communist society, you would split that cookie evenly so everyone gets the same amount. Nobody would get more or less than anyone else.

In a communist society, there's no such thing as rich or poor because everyone gets the same stuff. If you want something, you have to work for it, just like everyone else. Everyone works together for the good of the community, not just for personal gain.

But making a communist society work is really tough. It's like trying to keep everyone happy all the time. If one person doesn't want to work, then everyone else has to work even harder to make up for it.

So while communism sounds like a great idea, it's tough to make it work perfectly. But it's still something people talk about and think about, even today.