ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Commutative ring

Okay, let’s say you have a baggie of candy. You can put candy in the bag, take candy out of the bag, and combine two bags of candy together. These are all things you can do with a ring of candy – or a commutative ring.

But there’s a special rule with commutative rings. It’s called the commutative property, and it means that it doesn’t matter what order you do the candy operations in. For example, if you have two bags of candy and want to combine them, it doesn’t matter which one you add to the other first. You’ll get the same result no matter what, just like how you’ll get the same amount of candy even if you put the red candies in first and then the yellow ones, or the other way around.

So a commutative ring is just a special kind of mathematical object that follows this commutative property. It’s like a bag of candy, but with some added rules that make it easier for mathematicians to study and understand. Commutative rings show up in all sorts of math problems, from simple addition and multiplication to really complicated stuff like abstract algebra. But no matter what you’re doing with them, the commutative property means you can always count on them to behave in a certain predictable way.