ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Compatibility-with-childcare theory

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about something called compatibility-with-childcare theory. This is a fancy way of saying that moms and dads have to think about how their jobs fit with taking care of you.

You know how mom and dad work, right? They have jobs that they go to during the day, and that's how they make money to take care of the family. But sometimes it can be hard for them to balance work and taking care of you. That's where compatibility-with-childcare theory comes in.

This theory says that when mom and dad are looking for a job, they should think about how it will work with taking care of you. For example, if mom works at a job that lets her work from home, she can be there to help you with your schoolwork or play with you during her breaks.

Or, if dad works at a job that has flexible hours, he can make sure he's there to pick you up from school or take you to your after-school activities.

The goal of compatibility-with-childcare theory is to help parents find jobs that let them be there for you when you need them, but also lets them make a good living to take care of the family.

So, in short, compatibility-with-childcare theory is all about making sure mom and dad can balance work and taking care of you in the best way possible.