ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computational science and engineering

Computational science and engineering is when really smart people use powerful computers to solve really tricky problems. Let’s pretend you have a big pile of candies, and you want to know how many candies are in the pile without counting them one by one. That’s a problem that can be solved by math, but sometimes the math is too hard to do with just a pencil and a piece of paper. This is where computational science comes in.

Scientists and engineers use computers to help them solve problems that are too complicated to figure out by hand quickly. They teach these computers how to process information, do calculations, and create simulations of real-world situations that would be difficult or impossible to observe in real life.

Computational science is different from regular science because it takes place in a virtual world, using a lot of advanced mathematics, computer programming, and algorithms that are designed to solve specific problems. It’s like creating a game where you tell the computer how to behave under certain rules or conditions.

Engineers use computational science to design everything from airplanes to bridges to computer chips. They can create simulations of how different designs would behave under different conditions, like really hot or really cold temperatures or strong winds. By doing this, they can find ways to make their designs stronger and more efficient before building them in real-life.

In summary, computational science and engineering is when smart people use computers to solve really complicated problems, like figuring out how many candies are in a pile without counting them or designing a really strong building. They use a lot of math and computer programming to do this and can create simulations of real-life situations to help them find solutions.