ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer rage

Computer rage is when someone gets very angry at their computer or other electronic device. This can happen when the device is not working the way the person wants it to or when they are having trouble using it.

When you use a computer or other electronic device, you give it instructions by clicking buttons or typing on a keyboard. Sometimes the device doesn't understand what you want it to do or it does something you didn't want it to do. This can be frustrating, especially if you are trying to do something important, like finish homework or send an email.

When people get angry at their device, they might yell, hit their keyboard or mouse, or even throw the device. This is not a good way to deal with the situation and can even make the problem worse.

It's important to remember that the computer or other device is not trying to upset you on purpose. It's just a machine that doesn't always understand what you want. If you're feeling frustrated, it's better to take a break, walk away from the computer, and come back later with a clear head. Or, try to find help from someone who knows more about the device than you do.

In summary, computer rage is when people get really angry at their computer or other electronic device because it's not working the way they want it to, but it's important to remember that the device is not trying to upset you and it's best to stay calm and find a solution to the problem.