ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Content rating

Content rating is like a helper that tells us what type of things we are reading, watching or playing. It's like a label on an object, so we can know if it's suitable for us or not. Let's say you want to watch a movie or play a game. Often, you will see a small picture on the front which tells you what age-group it's suitable for. Some of these pictures may look like a little yellow circle, an image of a movie reel, or a set of stars. These pictures are content ratings. They help us understand if the movie, show or game is appropriate for us or not.

These ratings work like a scale from lowest to highest: G, PG, 12A, 15, 18 or NSFW.

G rating means that the movie, show or game is for everyone (like Taylor Swift's music).

PG means that it might have some stuff that parents would want to watch first, but it's still good for you.

12A means that the movie, show or game could be too scary, too violent or have a lot of swearing in it. So, it's only okay for you to watch it with your parents.

The 15 rating is more for teenagers or young adults because it has a lot of violence, swearing, adult themes and might be way over your head.

An 18 rating means that it's strictly for grown-ups because it has really graphic scenes of violence, sex, murder or other adult topics.

Now, sometimes, some content is not rated. Those are usually self-made videos on YouTube or home vlogs. For those, we need to ask our parents or guardians to see if it's okay to watch so we won't see anything that isn't appropriate.