ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conversion disorder

Conversion disorder is something that happens when your body thinks there’s something wrong, even though there really isn’t. It can happen when you feel really upset or stressed, and your body can’t handle all those feelings.

For example, let’s say you are really worried about a big test at school. You might start feeling like your stomach hurts and you might feel like you can’t breathe very well. These are called “symptoms”.

The symptoms are very real, but they are caused by your brain and not something physically wrong with your stomach or breathing. This can be confusing, because you might feel like something really is wrong with your body. But doctors will try to help you understand that it’s just your brain trying to deal with all of the feelings and stress.

Doctors will usually try to help you feel better by helping you find ways to manage your stress and feelings. After you learn how to do that, your symptoms will usually go away on their own.