ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Courts of England and Wales

Courts of England and Wales are places where people can go to sort out disagreements or criminal matters. In England and Wales, there are different levels of courts to make sure that justice is done.

The most senior court is the Supreme Court. This is where judges decide very important cases about laws in England and Wales.

Next is the Court of Appeal. This court can change decisions made by lower courts if the judges don't think the law was correctly applied.

After that there are two High Courts which deal with serious civil and criminal matters.

Lastly, there are Magistrates' Courts which are the local courts. Judges in Magistrates' Courts deal with less serious criminal cases and civil matters, like disputes between people.

So if someone has a disagreement or has broken the law, they can go to court to have their case heard. The court will decide if someone is right or wrong, and what should happen. That is why we have courts in England and Wales.