ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crab-claw sail

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a sail on a boat before? Well, a crab-claw sail is a special kind of sail that is shaped like a crab's claw.

You see, a crab-claw sail doesn't look like a regular sail with a straight edge. Instead, it has a curved edge like the shape of a crescent moon. This shape helps the sail catch the wind from different directions and speeds up the boat.

The sail is made of a tough material called canvas, which is like a really thick kind of cloth. The canvas is stretched over a frame made of wood or metal. This frame is attached to the mast, which is the big post that sticks up in the middle of the boat.

Now, when the wind blows, it hits the curved edge of the sail, and this causes the sail to billow out like a giant balloon. As the sail fills with wind, it pulls the boat forward. The sailor can adjust the direction of the sail by moving ropes attached to its corners. This is called "trimming the sail."

And there you have it, kiddo! A crab-claw sail is a special kind of sail that helps boats move faster by catching winds from different directions.