ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criticism of Walmart

Okay kiddo, today we are going to talk about a big store called Walmart and why some people don't like it.

You know how you have rules at home, like not taking more than one cookie from the jar? Walmart has rules too, but some people think they are not fair. For example, Walmart pays their workers a low amount of money which is not a lot of money for the hard work they do every day. This is unfair and some people don't like that. They want Walmart to pay their workers more money so they can have enough for their basic needs like food, clothes, and a place to stay.

Another thing that some people are not happy about is that Walmart sells things for cheap prices, which seems like a good thing, but sometimes, they do it in a way that hurts small businesses. Walmart buys things from other countries, for very cheap prices, and then sells them at a low price in their store. This makes it hard for small businesses to compete because they buy things at higher prices, and also pay for more taxes, which Walmart doesn't have to do.

Lastly, some people think that Walmart is not good for the environment. When they build new stores, they often cut down trees and disturb natural habitats, and when they sell things like plastic toys, they don't always recycle them or encourage people to recycle which creates more pollution. People want Walmart to try to be more environmentally friendly.

So, summarizing it all, some people believe that Walmart is not treating its workers fairly, hurting small businesses, and not being kind to the environment. However, not everyone has the same opinion, and it's important to listen and understand different points of view.