ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criticisms of communist regimes

Okay kiddo, so you know how some countries have leaders that want to make everything equal for everyone? Well, that's what communism is all about. But some of these leaders, called communist regimes, didn't always do things in a fair or good way.

One of the biggest criticisms is that these regimes took away people's freedoms. They wouldn't let people say or do what they wanted, and often punished people harshly for disagreeing with them. They also controlled what information people could hear or read, which meant they could hide bad things they were doing.

Another big problem was that people didn't have much say in how things were run. The leaders made all the decisions and the people just had to go along with them. This often led to corruption and abuse of power, where the leaders would use their power to benefit themselves and their friends, instead of doing what was best for everyone.

And finally, communist regimes often had very poor living conditions and economic problems. People didn't have access to many basic necessities like food, clothing, and medicine, and the government didn't do much to help them. This made life very hard for many people and led to a lot of suffering.

So while communism can be a good idea, sometimes the leaders who tried to put it into practice didn't do a very good job. They took away people's freedoms, abused their power, and didn't provide enough for their citizens, which are some of the biggest criticisms of these regimes.