ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

DOS memory management

When you use a computer, it needs lots of little places to store all the different things you're doing at the same time. It's like using lots of different drawers to put your clothes in, but each drawer can only hold so much.

In old computers, there was a special place called "DOS memory" where the computer kept track of what things were saved in which drawers. But because this special memory area was pretty small, people had to be really careful about how they used it.

It was kind of like playing Tetris: you had to fit all the different things you were doing into the small space available, and if you didn't do it right, the computer would get confused and might even stop working.

So, DOS memory management was all about being really careful with using just the right amount of space in DOS memory for each task, and making sure everything was organized and kept track of correctly so the computer wouldn't get confused or run out of space.