ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Deference is when someone lets another person make the decisions or have more authority because they think that person knows more or is better at making choices. It's kind of like when you let your teacher choose what book to read or your parents decide what time you need to go to bed.

It's important to show deference to people who have more experience or knowledge in certain areas because they can teach us things and help us make better choices. For example, if you are playing a game with your friends but one of your friends is really good at the game, you may want to listen to their advice and let them make some of the decisions so you can improve and win the game.

Deference can also be shown to people who are in charge of things like governments, schools, or sports teams. These people have a lot of responsibility and authority, and it's important to trust them to make the right decisions for everyone. But, it's also okay to question or disagree with their decisions as long as we do it in a respectful way.