ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dice are small objects usually made of plastic or wood that have six sides. Each side of the dice is marked with a number from 1 to 6, represented by dots. For example, the side with one dot represents the value 1, and the side with six dots represents the value 6.

When you roll a dice, you throw it on a surface and it bounces around randomly, eventually resting on one of its sides. The number that is facing up after the dice stops rolling is the number that you get, and it is considered random because it is impossible to predict which side of the dice will end up on top.

Dice are often used in games where chance is involved, such as board games or gambling. When playing a board game, you may need to roll a dice to determine how many spaces you can move your game piece. In gambling, dice can determine the outcome of a bet or how much money a player wins or loses.

Overall, dice are colorful and fun objects that help add excitement and chance to many different activities.