ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dirt road

A dirt road is a path made of dirt, dust, and sometimes small stones that people use to walk, drive, or bike on. It doesn't have a smooth surface like a paved road and can be bumpy and uneven. The dirt road is usually made by bulldozers, graders, and other machines that move the earth around.

Just like how you draw pictures on the ground with sticks, these machines draw a path for us to use. The dirt road is not as strong as a paved road, so it can be easily affected by water and weather. If it rains a lot, the dirt road can get muddy and slippery. If it's dry, the dirt can get dusty and make us cough.

Dirt roads are used in many places, like in the countryside where there are farms and ranches. They're also used in national parks and forests, where people go hiking and camping. Some people might also use dirt roads to get to their houses if they live far away from the city.

So, think of it like a big trail that people can walk or drive on but instead of walking in the woods, we are walking or driving on a carved out path on the ground made just for us.