ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disjunction and existence properties

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain disjunction and existence properties in a simple way.

Do you know what “or” means? It’s when we have a choice between two things. For example, you can have an apple OR a pear for a snack.

In math, we use the word “disjunction” instead of “or”. Disjunction means there are two possible things or options. When we write it down, we use a symbol that looks like this: “∨”.

Let me show you an example: Let’s say we have two statements:

Statement A: It is raining outside.
Statement B: It is sunny outside.

If we use disjunction between these two statements, it would look like this:
(It is raining outside) ∨ (It is sunny outside). This means one of these statements is true, but we don’t know which one.

Now, let’s talk about existence properties.

Existence means that something exists, it’s real and we can find it or see it.

In math, we use “existential quantifiers” to talk about existence. Yeah, that’s a big word, but it’s not that complicated.

The symbol we use looks like this: “∃”. This symbol means "there exists". We use it when we want to say that something exists.

For example: ∃x(x>2) means "there exists an x greater than 2", which means that there is at least one number that is bigger than 2.

So, disjunction means we have a choice between two things, and existence means that something exists.

I hope that helps you understand disjunction and existence properties!