ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disodium inosinate

Okay kiddo, let me explain disodium inosinate to you. Disodium inosinate is a food additive that's often used to enhance the flavor of foods like chips, snacks, and instant noodles. Do you know what flavor means? It's how food tastes when you eat it - like sweet, salty, or sour.

Now, disodium inosinate is made from a natural substance called inosinic acid, which is found in some animal and fish proteins. Sometimes, food companies will use disodium inosinate in their products to make them taste more like meat or fish.

But don't worry, disodium inosinate is perfectly safe to eat in small amounts as an ingredient in your favorite snack foods. Food companies have to follow strict rules and tests to make sure their products are safe before they can be sold in stores.

So basically, disodium inosinate is just a way to make food taste better - like magic! But remember, it's always important to eat a balanced diet with lots of different foods, even if they don't have disodium inosinate in them.