ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glutamic acid

Glutamic acid is something called an "amino acid." Amino acids are little building blocks that help make up different things in our bodies, like our muscles and our organs. Glutamic acid is a special kind of amino acid that our bodies use to help send messages between our nerve cells. It's kind of like the letters in a secret code that our brains use to communicate with each other.

Glutamic acid is also found in a lot of different foods that we eat, like meat, fish, and vegetables. When we eat these foods, our bodies break down the glutamic acid and use it to build new things, like new muscle tissue.

Sometimes, glutamic acid can be added to foods to make them taste better. This is what is called "MSG." MSG stands for monosodium glutamate, which is just a fancy way of saying that glutamic acid is mixed with sodium (a kind of salt). Some people like the flavor that MSG gives to food, but others don't like it as much.

Overall, glutamic acid is an important part of our bodies and our diets. It helps our brains send messages, and it's found in lots of different foods that we eat every day.