ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guanosine monophosphate

Guanosine monophosphate, or GMP for short, is a tiny molecule that lives inside your body. It's made up of even tinier parts called atoms, which are like the building blocks of everything around you.

Now, GMP is special because it's one of the many important molecules that help your body work properly. It helps your cells communicate with each other, which is sort of like sending messages from one friend to another. These messages might be about things like how much energy your body needs or what to do when you get sick.

But what makes GMP really interesting is that it's made from a special type of molecule called guanine. Guanine is a bit like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into GMP, kind of like how Lego pieces fit together.

So when your body needs GMP, it takes some guanine and puts it together with other pieces like phosphate and sugar to make the final product. Sort of like making a cake from different ingredients.

Overall, GMP might seem like a small thing, but it plays a big role in helping your body stay healthy and work properly.