ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Downshifting (lifestyle)

Downshifting means simplifying your life by making conscious choices to reduce stress, clutter, and the demands of both work and society.

Imagine you have a big toy box full of toys. It's getting hard to find your favorite toys when you want to play with them. Downshifting is like taking out some of the toys you don't play with as much and giving them away or putting them in storage.

When we downshift, we take a step back and ask ourselves what is truly important to us. We may decide to work fewer hours to have more time for family, friends or hobbies. We may choose to live in a smaller home and only own things we truly need.

Some people find that downshifting can be a way to feel less stressed, save money, and live in a way that aligns with their values. It can help us feel more relaxed and happy with what we have and less focussed on material possessions.