ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economic egalitarianism

Economic egalitarianism is like sharing the toys equally with everyone in class. In the same way, people believe that everyone should have the same amount of money and resources, no matter how much they work or what job they have.

Imagine you and your friend have different jobs. You get paid more for walking the dog, and your friend doesn't get much for watering plants. Economic egalitarianism means that even if you get paid more than your friend, you should share your money equally so that both of you have the same amount.

Some people think that it’s not fair for some people to have so much money and others to have very little. Economic egalitarianism believes that everyone should have equal chances and opportunities, so that they can earn the same amount of money and have access to the same resources, no matter where they come from or what family they were born into.

Just like how your teacher might divide the candy equally among everyone in the class, economic egalitarianism wants to make sure that everyone has the same chance to enjoy the good things that life has to offer.