ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Effects of spaceflight on the human body

When you go on a trip in a spaceship, your body can feel different.

Gravity is what keeps you from floating away. On Earth, gravity pulls you down, which makes you feel heavy. In space, there is no gravity to pull you down, so you feel weightless. This can make your muscles and bones weaker because they don't have to work as hard.

Also, your body is used to living with air pressure, but there is no air pressure in space. This means that fluids in your body can move around differently. For example, when you stand up on Earth, blood is pumped to your feet because of gravity. In space, blood can move to your head, which can make you feel dizzy.

Another thing that happens in space is radiation. Radiation is a type of energy that comes from space. On Earth, the atmosphere blocks most of the radiation. In space, there is no atmosphere to do that. This means that astronauts are exposed to more radiation, which can be harmful to their bodies over time.

Finally, living in a spaceship can be stressful. Being away from family and friends, working in a small space with other people, and being far from Earth can all make astronauts feel anxious or lonely. This can affect their mood and mental health.

So, while traveling in a spaceship can be exciting, it can also affect your body in different ways.