ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Election fraud

Okay, so when we have an election, it's like a big game where everyone gets to vote for their favorite team. The team with the most votes wins the game and gets to be in charge of things like making rules and making important decisions that affect everyone.

But sometimes, there are some people who want their team to win really badly, and they might cheat to make sure that happens. That's called election fraud.

There are all kinds of ways to cheat in an election. For example, some people might pretend to be someone else and vote more than once. That's not fair, because it means that some teams are getting more votes than they really should.

Other people might try to change the votes so that their team wins. They might do things like switch the votes in the machines that we use to count the votes, or throw away real votes and pretend that fake ones are real.

Election fraud is really bad, because it means that the team that actually won, doesn't get to be in charge. This means that some people might not get treated fairly, because the team in charge might only care about what they want, and not what everyone else needs.

That's why it's important to make sure that elections are fair and everyone gets to vote once. We call making sure that elections are fair, "ensuring the integrity of the election." So, if anyone tries to cheat, they should get in trouble, and the people who actually won should get to be in charge.