ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric truck

Hey there little one, do you know what a truck is? It's a big vehicle that can carry a lot of things from one place to another. Well, sometimes those trucks run on gas or diesel. But there are now trucks that run on electricity, just like the toys that you play with that need batteries to move.

Electric trucks work by using big batteries that store all the electricity they need to run. These batteries are charged by plugging them into a special charging station, just like when you charge your tablet at night. Once the batteries are fully charged, the electric truck can start driving.

Electric trucks are better for the environment because they don't produce any pollution like gas or diesel trucks do. They're also quieter than traditional trucks, which is nice for people who live near busy roads.

However, electric trucks are still pretty new, so not many companies make them yet. They can also be more expensive than gas or diesel trucks because of the cost of the big batteries. But as more people start to use electric trucks, the price might come down and more companies will start making them.

So there you have it, an electric truck is like a big toy that uses electricity to move, and it's better for our planet too!