ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Energy monitoring and targeting

Well, energy monitoring and targeting is like a game where we try to save money by looking at how much electricity, gas, or other types of energy we use in our homes, schools or offices.

First, we need to check how much energy we are using by looking at the meters or using special sensors. This is like checking how many cookies we have in the cookie jar.

Then, we set up a goal, like "We want to use less energy next week". This is like saying "I want to eat fewer cookies tomorrow".

Next, we need to figure out what we can do to save energy, like turning off lights when we leave the room or taking shorter showers. This is like deciding to eat less at dinner or having a smaller snack.

We then test these changes and see if they help us save energy. If they do, we keep doing them, and if they don't, we try something else. This is like noticing that when we eat less, we feel better and are happier.

Finally, we keep playing this game of monitoring and targeting to help us save money and energy in the long run. Just like saving our cookies for special occasions, we save energy by using it wisely and only when we need it.