ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Enki is a god from ancient Mesopotamian mythology. He was worshipped by people who lived in what is now modern-day Iraq thousands of years ago.

Imagine that Enki is like a superhero from a storybook. He had special powers that made him very important to the people who worshipped him.

Enki was known as a god of fertility and wisdom. This means that he was believed to have the power to help people grow crops and have babies. He was also very smart and could help people solve problems and make good decisions.

In the storybook of Enki, he lived in a magical world called the underworld. This was like a secret place where only special people could go to talk to him. To get there, people had to go on a long journey through a dark and scary tunnel.

Once they arrived in the underworld, Enki would listen to their problems and help them find solutions. He was like a wise sage who had all the answers.

Overall, Enki was a very important god to the people of ancient Mesopotamia. He was believed to have magical powers that could make people's lives easier and more fruitful.