ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evacuation of East Prussia

Hello there! Are you ready for a story about something that happened a long time ago in a place called East Prussia?

Once upon a time, there was a big war happening and East Prussia was in the middle of it. Lots of people were fighting and it was very dangerous for the people who lived there. So, lots of people decided they needed to leave their homes and go somewhere safer.

This was called an "evacuation." People packed up all of their most important things, like clothes and food, and left their homes. They might have gone on a long journey, maybe by foot, or maybe by horse or wagon. It was probably scary because they didn't know what was going to happen to them or when they would be able to go back home.

All of this happened a very long time ago, in the year 1945. Many people in East Prussia were being attacked and they were afraid they would be hurt or even killed. So, they had to leave.

The evacuation of East Prussia was a big event in history because many people had to leave their homes and everything they knew. It was a sad time for them, but it was important because they were trying to stay safe. And hopefully, one day they could go back home. That's why it's important to remember this event and the people who were affected.