ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolution of cognition

Evolution of cognition is a big, fancy phrase that means how animals' brains and minds have changed over millions of years. Do you know what evolution is? It's like when your mom or dad took your baby picture and your picture now and you can see how much you have grown and changed. Only, evolution is that kind of change, but over many, many years, like hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

Now, let's talk about the brain. Do you know what your brain does? It helps you think and feel, and it's what makes you who you are. But, animals' brains are different from humans. Some animals have smaller brains than humans, and they think and behave differently because of that. But, they've evolved their brains as they adapt to survive in their environments.

Long, long ago, there were animals that didn't have brains at all. Can you imagine that? They were very simple creatures, but they were still alive and able to move around and do things. Then, over time, some animals started to grow tiny, simple brains. These brains helped them make sense of what was happening around them and make decisions about what to do.

As even more time went on, some animals started developing bigger brains that could do more things. They could remember where food was located, recognize other animals, and even communicate in some cases. This helped them survive better and better.

Now, humans have very big and complex brains compared to other animals. That's why we can do things like create art, invent technology, and invent medicine. Our brains have evolved to be able to do these things, but it's important to remember that this didn't happen overnight. It took millions of years for our brains to get to where they are today.

So, that's the evolution of cognition in a nutshell! Animals' brains have changed over time to help them survive, and humans have the biggest and most complex brains of them all. Now, isn't that cool?