ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Evolution of language

Hey kiddo, do you remember when we went to the zoo and saw those monkeys making different sounds? Well, just like those monkeys, humans also have a way of communicating with each other. We use a language that is made up of words and rules on how to use them.

But, did you know that the language we use today is very different from the language people used thousands of years ago? It's because language has evolved over time, just like how animals and plants have evolved to adapt to their environment.

You know how animals can change to have different features that help them survive, like how giraffes have long necks to reach leaves up high? Language also changes to help people communicate better.

For example, if we go back to our grandparents' time, they used different words and phrases than what we use today. We might not even understand some of the words they used back then! That's because new words are added to our language all the time.

Also, the way we use words and the rules for grammar and pronunciation can change too. This happens because different groups of people use language in different ways.

So, just like how animals adapt to their environment, language adapts to the needs of the people who use it. And that's why the language we speak today is constantly changing and evolving.