ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a puzzle? Each puzzle piece fits together to create a big picture. Our bodies have a lot of little puzzle pieces too! They are called genes, and they make up our DNA, which is like a big instruction manual for our bodies.

Now, genes are made up of even smaller pieces called exons. Each exon has instructions for making a specific part of our body, like our eyes or our lungs. Just like a puzzle piece, each exon fits together with other exons to create a gene.

But wait, there's more! There are also other pieces of DNA called introns. Introns don't have any instructions for our body - they're like extra puzzle pieces that don't really fit anywhere. But our bodies are smart! They know to take out the introns and only use the exons when making something from the gene.

So, to summarize: exons are like puzzle pieces that give instructions for making different parts of our body, and they fit together with other exons to create a gene. Our bodies are smart and know to only use the exons, not the extra pieces called introns.