ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello there! Do you know what the word 'extortion' means? No? Let me explain it to you.

So, lets say you really want a toy that your friend has, but you can't afford to buy it. Instead of asking your friend nicely to play with the toy, you threaten to hurt them or take something away from them if they don't give you the toy. This is called extortion, and it's a very bad thing to do.

Extortion is when someone tries to get something from another person by using fear or force. It's kind of like bullying, but much worse!

The thing that the person is trying to get can be anything - money, a toy, someones lunch, a phone etc. It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that they are using fear to get it.

Trying to scare someone into giving you something is never okay! It's not a nice thing to do and it's also illegal. It's important to always be kind and ask for things nicely, instead of trying to take them forcefully.