ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extreme value

Have you ever played hide-and-seek and found a really good hiding spot that no one else could find? That's kind of like an extreme value. An extreme value is like a really high or really low number in a group of numbers. It's like finding the best hiding spot, or the worst spot, when compared to all the other hiding spots.

When some numbers are collected together, like temperatures in a day or the grades on a test, there might be one or two numbers that are way higher or lower than all the others. Those are the extreme values. They are like the champions or the losers in the group.

It's important to know these extreme values because they can tell us important information. For example, if a city typically has temperatures ranging from 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but then suddenly there is a day where it reaches 110 degrees, that would be an extreme value. It's important to know about that, because people might need to take extra precautions to avoid heat stroke or other heat-related illnesses.

So, next time you play hide-and-seek, keep an eye out for the best or worst hiding spot. And remember, extreme values help us understand a bigger picture of the numbers we're looking at!