ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Failure causes

Okay kiddo, so sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, right? That's what we call a failure. Now, there can be lots of reasons why things fail. Here are some examples:

1. Lack of preparation - Let's say you're going on a picnic and you forget to bring food. That's not going to be a very good picnic, is it? That's because you didn't prepare properly. In the same way, sometimes people fail because they didn't prepare enough.

2. Lack of effort - Imagine you're trying to build a tower out of blocks. If you don't try very hard to stack the blocks neatly, your tower might fall down. Similarly, if someone doesn't put in enough effort to try and succeed, they might fail.

3. Bad luck - Sometimes things just don't go our way. For example, if you're playing a game of chance like rolling dice, you might roll a low number over and over again. That's just bad luck.

4. Lack of skill - Let's say you're trying to play the piano. If you don't know how to read music or where to put your fingers on the keys, you're going to have a hard time making beautiful music. In the same way, if someone doesn't have the right skills to do something, they might fail.

5. External factors - Sometimes things outside of our control can cause things to go wrong. For example, if it starts raining during your picnic, that's an external factor that can ruin your day. Similarly, if someone is trying to build a business and there's a big economic downturn, that can make it harder for them to succeed.

So you see, there are lots of different reasons why things can fail. The important thing is to learn from our failures and try again!