ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis

Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis (FMEA) is a way to identify potential problems in a process, product, or service. It helps to identify any potential failures before they happen, so that they can be prevented or fixed.

FMEA is made up of three parts:
1) Failure Modes: These are the possible ways something could go wrong, or fail.
2) Effects: These are the ways a failure could affect the performance or quality of the product.
3) Diagnostic Analysis: This is a way to analyze the potential effects of a failure and determine the best way to fix it.

For example, let's say you are making a car. You want to be sure it runs well and safely, so you use FMEA to check for any potential problems. You look for any failure modes, such as brakes not working or a faulty engine. Then you analyze the effects of those failures, such as the car not stopping or breaking down. Finally, you look for the best way to diagnose and fix any potential problems, such as having the brake system checked or replacing the engine.