ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

Once upon a time in Africa, there were three countries called Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and Northern Rhodesia. The people who lived there were of different tribes and spoke different languages.

But then, some people from Britain decided it would be a good idea to join these three countries together into one big country. They called this new country the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.

The British people said that this new country would be good for everyone because they could work together to make things better. They promised that everyone would be treated fairly and that they would share resources like money and land.

However, not everyone was happy about this idea. Some people thought that their own tribe would be treated unfairly and that they would lose their own identity. They were also worried that the British people would take too much control over their lives.

Eventually, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was created in 1953. But it didn't last very long. In 1963, Nyasaland became independent and changed its name to Malawi. Rhodesia also became independent in 1965. Northern Rhodesia became independent in 1964 and changed its name to Zambia.

So, in the end, the Federation didn't last very long because not everyone was happy with it. But it was an interesting experiment in trying to bring different tribes and countries together.