ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fifth power (algebra)

Okay kiddo, let's say you have a number, let's call it "x." When you raise that number to the fifth power, it means you multiply it by itself five times.

So if we say x^5 (pronounced "x to the fifth power"), it's the same as saying x multiplied by x, and then multiplied by x again, and then multiplied by x again, and then multiplied by x one more time.

It's sort of like when you have a piece of candy and you keep doubling it in size. First it's one piece, then it's two pieces, then it's four pieces, then eight pieces, and then sixteen pieces. Except with the fifth power, you're just multiplying by the same number five times.

So if x is 2, then 2^5 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, which equals 32.

That's the basic idea of the fifth power. You're just taking a number and multiplying it by itself five times. Pretty cool, right?