ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

File-sharing program

A file-sharing program is like a really cool toy box that grown-ups use to share their favorite toys with each other. The toy box is connected to the internet and anyone all over the world can use it. So, if you have a toy that your friend, who lives far away, really wants to play with, you can put it in the toy box for them to access. And if your friend has a toy that you have been wanting to play with, they can put it in the toy box for you to access too.

But, there are some rules that we have to follow when we use this toy box. We can only share toys that are okay to share and not harmful to others, just like we can't share toys that might be dangerous to others. We also can't take toys that belong to others without asking for permission first, just like we can't take a toy from a friend's house without asking their parents.

In the digital world, toys are like files – pictures, music, videos, and documents that we create or download on our computers. And the toy box is like a program or website that lets us share our files with others, such as BitTorrent or Dropbox. Just like the toy box, file-sharing programs have rules and laws that we have to follow to make sure that we're using it in a safe and legal way.