ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire drill

Do you know what a fire is? It's when things get so hot and start burning. It's dangerous because it can hurt people and destroy things.

A fire drill is when people practice what they would do if there was a fire. Just like you practice riding a bike or playing a game to get better at it, people practice fire drills to make sure they know what to do if there is a real fire.

During a fire drill, you may hear a loud noise like a bell or alarm. This noise is called an alarm and it means it's time to get out of the building or place quickly and safely.

You will need to listen for your teacher or person in charge of the fire drill. They will tell you where to go and how to get there. Usually, everyone will walk to a safe place outside, like a big yard or parking lot, where they can wait until they are told it's safe to go back inside.

Fire drills teach us how to stay safe in case there is a real fire. It's important to practice fire drills so that everyone knows what to do and stay safe.