A first ministers' conference is like a big meeting where the most powerful people in a country come together to talk about really important things. In Canada, the first ministers are the Prime Minister (who is in charge of the whole country) and the leaders of each of the provinces (which are like big states).
When they have a conference, they talk about all kinds of things that affect everyone in the country, like health care, the economy, and the environment. They usually try to make decisions that will help all the people in the country, but sometimes they don't all agree on what to do.
It's kind of like when you and your friends have to decide what game to play - sometimes you all agree on one game, but sometimes one person wants to play something different. The first ministers have to talk and try to find a solution that works for everyone.
These conferences happen every so often, and they're really important for making sure the country is being run in the best way possible. It's like a big team meeting where everyone works together to make a plan for the future.