ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flat organization

When people work together to get things done, sometimes they need to have rules about which person tells another person what to do. This can happen in schools or at work.

In some schools or at work, there is a "chain of command." This means that the person who is "higher up" in the chain tells the person who is "lower down" in the chain what to do. For example, a principal might tell a teacher what to do, and the teacher might tell a student what to do.

But in a "flat organization," there is no "chain of command." This means that people who work together are all at the same level. They might all have different jobs, but they don't have to listen to one specific person.

In a flat organization, everyone is like a puzzle piece. Each puzzle piece has its own shape and color, but all the pieces are important to make the whole puzzle. In a flat organization, everyone's job is important, so everyone works together to get things done. Sometimes, people work together to make decisions, instead of one person deciding for everybody else.

Overall, a flat organization is like being on a team where everyone is equally important and everyone's voice is heard.