ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flight dynamics (fixed wing aircraft)

Flight dynamics is an area of study that explains how airplanes move and fly. When an airplane is flying, it is influenced by four forces: lift, thrust, drag, and weight.

Lift is a force that is created by the wings of the airplane pushing against the air that goes around it. This force makes the airplane move up into the air.

Thrust is a force that comes from the engine. It pushes the airplane forward so it can move through the air.

Drag is a force that pulls the airplane back. This is because the air around the airplane is pushing back against it as it moves.

Weight is how heavy the airplane is and how much gravity is pulling it down towards the ground.

These four forces work together to make the airplane move in different ways. If there is more lift, the airplane will fly higher in the air. If there is more thrust, the airplane will move faster forward. If there is more drag, the airplane may slow down or not climb as well. Weight will always pull the airplane towards the ground.