ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foakes v Beer

When people play baseball or soccer, they sometimes make mistakes. But if they break a rule, like stepping out of bounds or hitting the ball too far, they can't go back and fix it. It's like when you draw a picture and accidentally color outside the lines - you can't erase it and start over. That's what happened in Foakes v Beer.

In this case, a man named Beer owed another man named Foakes some money. They made an agreement that Beer would pay Foakes back in installments. But then Beer fell behind on his payments and owed Foakes even more money.

Foakes took Beer to court and won the case, and Beer agreed to pay him back the original amount plus interest. But then Beer argued that he shouldn't have to pay the interest because they didn't agree on it ahead of time. He said it was like stepping out of bounds in a game - once you make the mistake, you can't go back and fix it.

But the judges disagreed. They said that just because you make a mistake doesn't mean you can't go back and fix it. They ruled that Beer still had to pay the interest because it was the right thing to do. It's like when you accidentally color outside the lines and your mom helps you fix it by showing you how to color inside the lines properly.