ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gantry (transport)

Gantry is a fancy word for a big machine that helps move things around. Imagine a huge crane that can pick up really heavy objects, like buildings, cars, or even shipping containers that are used to move goods from one place to another.

These gantries are usually found in busy ports or construction sites, where there is a lot of heavy lifting and movement required. They have wheels or tracks that allow them to move around on the ground, and they use powerful motors or engines to lift and move heavy objects.

If you've ever seen a huge crane in action, you might have noticed how the operator needs to be really skilled to control it. The same is true for gantries, which require an expert operator to make sure they move smoothly and safely, without harming people or property.

Overall, gantries are very important machines that help us move heavy objects around with ease, making our jobs and daily lives much easier!