ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender disparity in computing

So, do you know how sometimes boys and girls like different things? Like how some girls might really like dolls and dresses, and some boys might really like cars and trains? Well, sometimes that happens with jobs too. For example, more boys might like jobs that involve computers, while more girls might like jobs that involve talking to people or taking care of animals.

This is called a "gender disparity." It means that there is a difference between the number of boys and girls who like or do certain things. And one place where we see a big gender disparity is in jobs that involve computers.

Right now, there are a lot more boys and men working in computer jobs than girls and women. This isn't because girls and women aren't smart enough or don't like computers - it's just that they aren't always encouraged to study computer things or try computer jobs.

There are a few reasons for this. One is that some people think that girls and boys are just naturally better at different things, like how boys are supposed to be better at math and science. But that's not true! Girls can be just as good at math and science as boys, and boys can be just as good at things like communication and empathy as girls.

Another reason is that some people think that computer jobs are just for boys, and that girls shouldn't be interested in them. This is called "gender stereotyping," and it's when people assume that boys and girls should act a certain way or like certain things, just because of their gender.

But the truth is, anyone can be interested in computers and computer jobs! Girls and boys can both be great coders or computer scientists. It's important to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to learn about and explore these kinds of jobs, no matter what their gender is.