ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender roles in Islam

Okay, so remember how we learned that some people are boys and some people are girls? Well, in Islam (which is a religion some people believe in), there are certain roles that are expected for boys and girls to follow. These roles are called "gender roles."

For example, boys are usually expected to be brave, strong, and protect their families, while girls are usually expected to be nurturing, kind, and take care of the house and family. These roles are based on what is written in the Quran (which is like the holy book for Muslims).

But it's important to remember that not everyone fits into these roles perfectly, and that's okay! Some boys might really like to help their mom cook, and some girls might be really good at sports. Islam values everyone, no matter their gender, equally.

In addition, Islam teaches that men and women should have equal rights and be treated fairly in all aspects of life, like education and work. So, while there are gender roles in Islam, it is also important to remember that everyone should be respected and treated equally.