ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Glittering generality

Okay, so have you ever heard someone use really big and fancy words, but you didn't really understand what they meant? That's kinda like what a glittering generality is. It's when someone uses very vague or broad words to make something sound really, really good, but they don't really explain what they mean.

For example, imagine your mom tells you she has a surprise for you and it's going to be "amazing." You get really excited because "amazing" sounds like it's going to be super cool, right? But then when she finally shows you the surprise, it's just a new pair of socks. They might be nice socks, but they're not really "amazing" in the way you were expecting.

So basically, people use glittering generalities to make things sound really good without actually telling you why they're good or how they're going to help you. It's kind of like using fancy words to trick you into thinking something is better than it really is.