ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gohō dōji

Gohō Dōji is a special symbol in Japanese Buddhism that is used to protect people from bad things happening to them. Imagine it like a superhero shield that keeps you safe from danger! This symbol is made up of five different shapes that each have a special meaning.

The first shape is a circle, which represents the whole universe. It's like a big hug that surrounds everything and keeps it safe. The second shape is a square, which represents a strong foundation. Think of it like building a tower with Legos - if the bottom isn't strong, the whole tower will fall over! The third shape is a triangle, which represents the power of three. This means that when things come in groups of three, they are extra powerful. Kind of like how three friends working together can achieve more than one person could on their own.

The fourth shape is a diamond, which represents purity and clarity. Just like a diamond is clear and shiny, this shape reminds us to stay focused and pure in our intentions. Finally, the fifth shape is a lotus flower, which represents enlightenment or reaching a higher level of understanding. It's like climbing to the top of a really tall mountain - you can see everything around you and have a better perspective on things.

When you put all these shapes together in the Gohō Dōji symbol, it creates a powerful shield that can protect you from harm. It's a way to remind ourselves to stay strong, focused, and pure in order to keep ourselves safe from the bad things in the world.
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