ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Graph of a function

Imagine you have a toy car and a ramp. You want to see how high the car can go on the ramp, depending on how fast you push it.

Now let's say that the speed at which you push the car is like a button you press, and the height the car reaches is like a number that comes out of a machine. This relationship between the speed and the height is what we call a "function".

Now if we take all the possible speeds you can press the button at, and measure the height each time, we can make a graph where the x-axis represents the speed and the y-axis represents the height.

The graph of a function shows us the relationship between the input values (like speed) and the output values (like height), and helps us understand how they are related to each other. It's like a picture or a map of the function that we can look at to understand it better.